This kit is almost the best starter kit in all of kits! As it got the heating device with temperature controlled so that you can keep your brew consistant temperature without looking too much when fermentation. And you also got extra bottle jet washer and books to give you knowledge to brew your better beer with malt extract and hops with your own recipes.
This starter kit include a 30L Fermenter with fittings; 1 x Supper Auto cappers; 100 pcs Crown Seals; 1 x Sterilizer; 1 x Beer Kit with sugar mix; 1x Food grade Paddles ; 1x 3 scale Hydrometer; 1 x Little bottler; 1 x Heat Belt; 1 x Temperature Controller; 1 x Bottle Jet Rinser;Â
NOte: We run out of stock for the book “From Kit to Mini Mash”, so we shall not INCLUDE this book anymore. However, we shall send you soft copy of this book instead.